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BY@Patrizia Pierbattista By@Mirella Pierbattista
By@La Redazione
In 2015, Finland’s Krista Bakker secured her LET card through the LET Access Series (LETAS) and became the first Finn to accomplish this feat.
10 years later, her younger sister Katri Bakker is hoping to do the same.
Katri completed her rookie season on LETAS last year and kept her card on the number after finishing 60th on the rankings.
After three top 15 finishes, Bakker showed her potential and is excited to tee it up again on LETAS for 2025.
Reflecting on the 2024 season, Bakker said: “It was a tough season for me, but I learned a lot from it.
“This season will be better. I dreamt about doing this job and now I’m doing it. It is amazing.”
Bakker has been playing golf her “whole life.” In this case, that is no exaggeration.
Golf is the family business for the Bakker’s. Katri’s father is a golf coach, and both her older siblings also turned professional.
Growing up, the family lived in both the Netherlands and Spain. The latter so they could play golf all-year round.
Despite losing her ability to speak Spanish, Bakker enjoys practicing her Dutch with her Dutch colleagues on tour.
Krista, her older sister competed on the LET before retiring in 2022 after eight seasons. The Finn became the first player to win back-to-back team events in the Aramco Team Series.
“I have always dreamed about becoming professional,” Katri said, “My dad is a coach, but it isn’t something that he forced me to do.
“I used to look up to both my brother and sisters, especially when they both turned professional.
“I’ve never felt pressure to live up to them. My sister and I always say how fun it would have been to be playing on tour at the same time.
“I’m so proud of everything she accomplished. Now I just want to do it myself.”
Katri’s road to becoming professional has not been smooth.
Unlike a lot of her compatriots and colleagues Bakker chose not to travel to the US for college due to an ongoing battle with a wrist injury.
“I was thinking about going to the States, but I had a problem with my wrists.
“I had a lot of injuries back then, so it wasn’t viable. I couldn’t play all year long, only in the summer.
“So, the best thing for me was to stay and study in Finland. I ended up only staying for one year as the system wasn’t supportive of athletes.”
Choosing to quit her education early was a difficult decision for teenage Bakker but one she doesn’t regret.
“Looking back, it was the right decision for me. I had to focus on myself. It was hard though not to compare my path to others.”
For 2025, like the other 157 members on tour, Bakker has one goal, to earn her LET card and this season there are seven up for grabs.
But unlike everyone else, Bakker might have a secret advantage. A big sister who has done it before.
“Krista has given me some words of wisdom. I do usually call her for advice, and she always helps me.
“The schedule this season looks even better. I’m most excited for Morocco as I will have my dad on the bag.
“It’s also amazing to see the Islantillia Open have the biggest tour prize fund in LETAS history. It’s cool for the tour and special for the players.”
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