
Ultime News






By@Patrizia Pierbattista

By @Mirella Pierbattista



The Silk Way Series Alpha Race Baja will be held from September 5-8 in the Chechen Republic. The event is being held with the support of the Russian Ministry of Sports and under the auspices of the Russian Automobile and Motorcycle Federations (RAF and MFR).

The last time the Chechen Republic hosted the Alpha Race in 2023. The Grozny Baja, which became the MFR One-Round Russian Cross-Country Rally Cup and also counted towards the RAF All-Russian Rally-Raid Competition, was held in May in the capital of the Chechen Republic with a bivouac at the Fort Grozny Autodrome. 

This year the competitors and Organizers are looking forward to meet again the hospitable representatives of the Republic. Furthermore, the competition is counted towards the All-Russian Rally-Raid Competition of the Russian Automobile Federation and the One-Round Russian Cross-Country Rally Cup of the Motorcycle Federation of Russia. At the start of the Silk Way Series Alpha Race Baja will be crews from all over Russia. Among the competitors there are winners and laureates of the most difficult marathon rallies in the world, recognized rally-raid masters, World and Russian champions.

The Baja route passes through the territory of the Groznensky, Shelkovsky and Naursky districts of the Chechen Republic. The competition bivouac and the Baja Headquarters will be located at the Fort Grozny Autodrome. The total distance of the three-day Baja will be 819 kilometers, of which 629 kilometers will be competitive. The nine selective sections present a diverse range of surfaces and route characteristics, necessitating a high level of effort from both drivers and co-drivers throughout the competition.

One of the core objectives of the International Project Silk Way Rally Directorate has been the support and development of motorsports in Russia for many years. As part of cooperation with Alpha Race, the Rally Directorate shares its long-term experience in the field of sports management, organization of work with competitors and sponsors, and effective interaction with regional and federal authorities.

The Alpha Race Baja is held with the support of the Head of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia, Ramzan Kadyrov, the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Chechen Republic, the Ministry of Tourism of the Chechen Republic, and the Grozny City Hall.


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